Hi friends of Muckykids!
Registration is now open for Fall Classes, which start September 24, 2018.
We have a lot of exciting announcements for the fall. First, I am very excited to introduce a new class: an evening Fiber Arts class for older kids, ages 8-12 years. We’ll sew, print onto fabric, and create stuffed pets; we’ll try batik, appliqué, printing on fabric, and more. This class meets 5:30-7:30; bring your dinner along if you’d like to enjoy it during this evening tween class.
Second, we’re extending all classes from 8 weeks to 10 weeks. More meetings, and more art! This will give everyone more space to dig deeper throughout the semester.
And last but not least, we finally have online class registration at Muckykids! Book your spot in our classes right here on our website, and pay with your credit card. No more wondering if space is available. :)
All the old favorites return, of course, providing a range of classes for 18 mo through 7 years: Sensory Fun for the youngest kids, Art Explorations, Art and Technique, and Art and Science. This fall we have more sections of Art and Science, and we have a fabric arts theme integrated into Art Explorations and Art and Technique.
Check out the full class schedule and register now!
p.s. The 2018 Summer Program is mostly full at this point, but space is still available in Art and Science for ages 8-12, July 30 – Aug 1. We hope you can join us for that week. And of course, Drop-In Studio continues throughout the summer for all ages, Thursdays through Saturdays.
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