Week 3: Art and Storytelling (July 11 – 15)

Week 3: Art and Storytelling (July 11 - 15)

Monday-Friday, 9:00 am - 2:30 pm
07/11/2022 - 07/15/2022

This week we will craft and tell stories by making animal masks, story stones, comic books, shoebox theaters, puppets, and more! We will experiment with making 2 minute movies using mini figures, playdough, slime, and clay. For the collaborative construction this week we will build a train station and train cars, asking the train to take us to real or scripted places. We can make tickets, maps, engine controls, train snacks, and luggage to enhance the theme.

To register for this class, please complete the form below and pay by credit card. After you've completed the online signup and payment, you'll receive an email with a link to a registration, policies, and waiver document. Please complete this registration and waiver, and bring it with you to the first class.

Sibling discount: If you are registering more than one sibling in the same semester, enter SIBLING in the Coupon Code field below for a 10% discount.

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