Drop-In Studio Activities for March 2 – 4: This week we are making city buildings with recycle craft. In our collaborative construction corner our city is soon to open, so we are drawing inspiration from that. Make an apartment building, a firehouse, a grocery store, maybe even an art museum! At the easel wall there are city-themed stamps for printing with paint. At the sensory table a fresh batch of play dough is paired with furniture, people figures, and construction vehicles. City workers? On the back tables we are making magic wands and puppets…. Perhaps the puppets can inhabit the buildings. At the paint table we’re painting with golf and bouncy balls – a really cool effect! On the front bench the tabletop easels are set up for painting with water on the chalkboard side. The back bench has draw-and-erase – drawing right on the bench and erasing with damp sponges.
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