Drop-In Activities for July 5 – 7: This week we are upcycling in fun ways. We’ve been collecting cardboard tape rolls and now have enough for making roll racers… decorate them with tape, markers, and stickers. Roll them to see the decorations in motion and how fast they can go! At another table we are upcycling Styrofoam packing pieces by building sculptures with them and using colored glue so color mixing can happen during the building process. At the back tables we are reusing pieces of craft foam and creating all sort of things. Hole punches are great for making hole in the foam and the pieces can be attached with paper fasteners. There is also tape, needles and yarn, markers and decorative-edged scissors for added embellishments. The paint table has bubble wrap that we are reusing for printmaking. We also have trains and racecars at the paint table for an added element. The easel wall has brushes and paint. The back bench has mail making and a mailbox. Fun for pretend play — summer correspondences? The front bench has supplies for making more popsicles for the Pyramid Popsicle Shop. The sensory table has Bubber to play with.
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