Drop-In Studio Activities for July 13 – 15: This week we have a few nature related activities. At the back tables we are building dioramas with items from nature, decorative papers and fabrics, recycle craft items, and magazine cutouts – make a mini world to take home! At the paint table we’re printing with leaves. And at one of the front tables you can craft a flower garland to bring color and decoration to a room. There are also craft sticks and animal figures to make simple puppets with. The sensory table has play dough to cut, squish and squeeze. Mirror drawing is another choice this week… it’s an open-ended drawing activity that involves slowly opening and closing a hinged mirror over the drawing and observing the symmetry and surprising designs that appear. Liquid watercolors and mini pieces of paper are at the easel wall for mini masterpieces. The sensory balloons are on the back bench.
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