Drop-In Studio activities for December 17 – 19

December 17, 2015

Drop-In Studio activities for December 17 – 19: This week we are finishing up our holiday crafting. One of the activities is wrapping various things with yarn: pine cones, notched circles and upcycled empty tape rolls. These make neat year-round decorations or gifts. We are also filling plastic ornament balls. This is a fun fine motor process with stunning results! At the back tables we have supplies out for making cards and gift tags – make as many as you need. ☺ The final holiday-inspired activity is a pared down version of last week’s door jingles – with pipe cleaners, stickers, beads, bells and cupcake liners you can craft cheery sounding tree or door decorations. At the sensory table we are “cooking” with play dough. At the paint table we are painting animals. We also have a color sort game set up. Plus there is easel painting.

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