Drop-In Studio activities for August 14 – 16: This week we are making open-ended sculptures/creations with corrugated cardboard pieces. With wires and pipe cleaners, the pieces can be connected by threading thru the corrugation. Beads, markers and pieces of straws make fun embellishments. At the sensory table we have cornstarch and water to play with. At the paint table we are making ‘cookie sheet’ prints. We are also making treasure/adventure bags by up-cycling leftover conference bag thingies. Decorate with special stickers and make a new handle with yard and beads. At the same table there are treasure map making supplies, plus old maps to cut up and fill the pockets with. At the two side benches we have stamping and the tool bench. At the easel we have small brushes and pastels for mixed media. And, inspired by last week, we have colored ice paired with test tubes, pipettes, and tongs… mix the melting colors in a test tube and a magic potion is in the works!
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