Drop-In Activities for July 18 – 20: Join us for our very last drop-in week in our ‘old’ space…. we will be closed next week as we move into our new space, where drop-in will resume on August 1st. At the back tables we are decorating Muckykids paper dolls and also making goodbye cards for the old space, perhaps a way to concretize the move for some kids. The paint table has large-scale printing and the easel wall has mini masterpieces (a study in contrast?). We are crafting walkie-talkies and phones with upcycled boxes and lots of stickers and colored tape. A fun pretend play item! :) Another choice is making mobiles. Make a single string mobile or challenge yourself with a balance mobile, attaching the strings to a bar. The sensory table has Oobleck. The front bench has stamping. And the back bench has a color sorting game.
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