Drop-In Studio Activities for February 2 – 4: This week we immerse ourselves in Valentine making! On the front tables we have loads of fun craft supplies for Valentine cards. Plenty of collage materials, plus stickers, markers, pastels, tapes, and folded and flat cards in various colors. On the back tables we are making Valentine jewelry. Using traditional beads as well as making ‘beads’ using stickers, paper cutouts, tinsel, and sequins. Make bracelets on stretchy string and necklaces on decorative string. At the paint table we’re using a wax resist technique to make cards. Draw pictures and designs with a white crayon then paint watercolors over the lines for a neat effect. The easel wall has Valentine inspired colors to paint with. The sensory table has clay to play with. The side benches have the light table and shape blocks for color and shape explorations. The back wall has an ongoing marble run — add to it and try it out.
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