Register now for Late Winter classes!

All classes for the Late Winter 2024 semester are posted and open for registration! Muckykids Late Winter 2024 classes start the week of March 3. The Backyartists’ classes start a week earlier, the week of Feb 28. For the 6-8 year olds we continue our […]

Muckykids closing this June

Dearest Muckykids Community, I am writing to let you know that, after 15 lovely and colorful years, I have decided to close my business as of this coming June. It has been a tough decision to make and much thought has gone into it, but […]

Muckykids Art Studio offers arts and crafts for children: flexible drop-in studio times, classes, and hosting of parties. We are located at 2404 Mass Ave in Cambridge, MA.


Small-group classes for ages 3 and up


New activities weekly for all ages, Thu-Sat 10:00-5:00


Celebrate with friends by making art together


Location, hours, phone, and email
QR Code Business Card
If you are looking for classes or birthday parties with the Backyartists, you can find them at their new location at Arlington Center!